My Life, My Choice

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School supplies galore

With the 3 kulits in tow, I drove to the nearest Target store in the area to buy Juwan and Jin's school supplies. I was surprised because where there used to be aisles lined up with school supplies, there were only a few boxes and a couple of shelves with supplies. I guess that signals school opening is pretty near. Juwan took care of his list while I helped Jin find the things he needed. I was having second thoughts in buying all the supplies in one store but I don't have the luxury of time to shop around so we tried to tick off as much items as we could. After and hour and a half of sorting through brands and prices, we pretty much had everything they needed except for a set of reinforcement rings. Juwan insists on finding the remaining items he needed but he has a 3 o'clock dental appointment so I had to convince him that I'll make time for it next week. Classes don't start until September 5 so we pretty much some time to complete the list.
Lunch was mac and cheese for the little kids, a latte and pizza for me and hotdog and smoothie for Juwan. After lunch we headed to Closter for Juwan's dental appointment.
Tonight Juwan will have football practice but it's a good thing Joey's driving him there because I badly needed sleep.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Part of my everyday routine is to surf the net. I've come across several blogs by friends, relatives or simply "netquaintance" (an acquaintance over the Internet) about paid blogging opportunities. One of the most often mentioned is PayPerPost. Great opportunities abound in this "leading marketplace for Consumer Generated Advertising."

Getting to know about the company, the opportunities and the testimonials by the "Posties" made me all tingly and excited to join this social network that not only allows you to write about what you like but get paid in the process.

Leave my blog for a bit and look for some yummylicious opportunities in PPP (".)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Something to think about...

Every once in a while ask yourself the question: If money weren't a consideration, what would I like to be doing?